Finding our way through chaos
/Like so many of us during this chaotic, unprecedented time, my mind has been going a mile a minute, jumping from one thing to another, and my emotions have ranged from fear to anxiety and surprisingly at times to calm. In these moments of calm, there is a small voice asking questions, prodding me to look under the fear and anxiety, and hold onto the truth below all of this. Nothing is permanent and this current lack of control and powerlessness will pass. I have been talking to lots of people and reading and listening to many inspiring voices. One of the questions that has come up is how do I want to "Be" with all of this? What's really important here, who do I want to be, and how do I want to go through this as it is really important and will make a difference. It may only matter to me and how I see myself through this, or it may impact many.
If so, what kind of impact do I want to make? Do I want to be raging, anxious, doom and gloom, or do I want to be calm, a source of stability, strength, and action? This morning when I came to my journaling I realized I hadn't consciously asked myself how I wanted to be through all of this, even though I had asked that question of others.
So I asked and this is what I discovered. I want to be a place of calm in the storm, an inspiration for those who need that, a place of refuge for the weary and scared, the one who knows that these storms do pass. I don't have all the answers by any means, but I can listen. And maybe through our conversations you can find your way through too.
And while we don't know what the future might bring, and there may be more hard times ahead, we know we have what it takes to meet that challenge when it arrives. I want to be open to learning, growing, seeing the silver lining, while also being aware of the fears, the trials, the losses, both personal and as a whole. I want to be better, to dig a bit deeper, and to hold space for myself and for others to be with this chaos, and to move through it, and to come out the other side stronger than ever.
Therefore, I have extended my hours to help accommodate additional coaching to help you create a plan of action and to ride this crisis out your way (if the medical personnel and others in essential services can do it, so can I)!
As well, I am offering one complimentary Covid-19 coaching package (4-30 minute sessions) to the first person who emails me and who has also been laid off or has had to close their business due to the Covid-19 crisis. If I can accommodate more than one, I will.
Please email me directly at and forward this on to others who might benefit. We are in this together. <3