Lean In and Find the Magic
/Sometimes we find ourselves in terrain that is a bit tricky to traverse and yet, if we can lean into the discomfort, we can usually find our way.
I literally experienced this on a recent hike, suddenly finding myself in an unforeseen snowstorm choosing my footing very carefully, scanning ahead for the right places to step next, slipping and sliding, and thinking “Why am I out here?”As I was gingerly manoeuvring my way down, I became aware of my thinking in that moment. I was at first making each step soooo cautiously, and then by choosing a more empowering mindset and maybe due to the steepness of the terrain, I started going with the flow‒more quickly and with more confidence.
It became a bit of a game - could I do it without falling down, keeping my forward motion and feeling more confident and empowered as I went. Leaning into it rather than back on my heels? I did fall - and have the bruises to prove it, but as I figured things out, I kept my feet moving and found my way.
Life, just like mountain terrain, has its challenges, and by leaning in, turning to the challenge rather than away, magic can happen. I have found my stress is reduced as I step into my own power and take back the reins.
What can you lean into this week? What mindset can you shift?
Change your mind, build your resilience, stand in your power!